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Antonia Pillosio, director and authoress, born in Udine lives now in Rome.

Graduated at Bologna University DAMS with a dissertation on RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana High Definition and cine-television production together with NHK of Michelangelo Antonioni’s film The Mystery
of Oberwald.

Stage designer qualified at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome with a dissertation on American Pop Art in cooperation with Alberto Boatto.

A registered authoress with SIAE since1980,
she has been working with RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana since 1985.

Since 2000,she has been working at RAI TV3 Progetto Storia as an authoress and director of the biographies of the programme CORREVA L’ANNO: Pope Pius IX, Rommel, Togliatti, Sadat, Sharon and Moubarak as well as of reportages on Pope John Paul II ,Pope Luciani , Mons Lefebvre, Cefalonia, El Alamein, Gorbaciov, Unhcr.

and as a reporter for ENIGMA hosted by Andrea Vianello for the episodes
The mysterious death of Hitler and Eva Braun
The mysterious death of Rudolph Hess
The mysterious death of Mussolini,
The mysterious death of Luigi Tenco at the
Sanremo Festival
The Secrets of Fatima

On the occasion of the 2000 Jubilee she worked for RAI Tv1 as a 2nd unit director and assistant director of the author Sergio Giordani at the four instalments of the programme Il RITORNO DEGLI DEI. Produced by Paolo Mondadori’s Dreamtime four reportages on Mysticism from India, Japan, Sri Lanka, Israel, Scotland, France and Italy.

She started out in RAI as a radio scriptwriter and hostess for the programmes I GIORNI and RADIODUE PRESENTA

She continued as a reporter :
- for the children programme BIG NEWS
- for Rai Tv1 programme LINEA BLU dedicated to the sea fish and environment, hosted by Puccio Corona and Donatella Bianchi .She directed and organized specials on Montecarlo in cooperation with the local Oceanographic Museum and Yacht Club.

She worked as a director and reporter
- for RAI Tv1 with the programme UNOMATTINA, the first morning tv broadcast in Italy, assisting the author Giorgio Calabrese with cultural and musical matters
- for RAI Tv1 programme LINEA VERDE on agriculture and environment, hosted first by Federico Fazzuoli and then by Sandro Vannucci. Inquiries on the territory, direction of specials and reportages from Belgium, Holland, England. She also cooperated as a director to Rossella Sleiter’s Gardening
- for Rai Tv2 and Rai Tv3 with Arnaldo Bagnasco and Giovanni Minoli for the programme MISTERI hosted by Lorenza Foschini. She interviewed Lech Walesa, Chiara Lubich, Prof Gerald Edelmann, Oliver Sacks, Floyd Bloom, Prof. Ezio Giacobini, Prof Marco Trabucchi (Alzheimer), Prof Tullio Regge, Prof Zichichi, Prof Carlo Rubbia, Father Emiliano Tardiff, and Mons Milingo with whom she recorded the exclusive reportage in Zambia, his native country. In France, she made a study on the mystic Marta Robin.
She was the director :
- for RAI Tv3 programme DOMANI SI GIOCA, hosted by Gianni Mina’. Reportages on the biographies of sports champions such as Alboreto, Berger, Clay Regazzoni, Moser, Sumbu Kalambai, Rosi,and Dunga and taking part in the motor race Paris Dakar
- of the Italian edition of the video TORNARE A CASA, reflections of Dom Laurence Freeman OSB
- she worked as a director for PAMO o.n.l.u.s., nonprofit social utility organisation for the realisation of the video MONS.MILINGO AND HIS AFRICA
- for FAO, Food an Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and for WFP, World Food Programme the United Nations organisation for food aid as a director of their tv commercials and documentary films.

She worked as Press Office agent to promote :
-the scientific activities of the PARCO NATURALE REGIONALE della MAREMMA
-IL BALLO DELLE BALENE in Montecarlo a charitable event to support research on behalf of the
- the activities of FAO, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.


INDISCRETO, gossip on television and Cinema, with EMILIO RAVEL for RIZZOLI NOVELLA 2000

CIO' CIO' LA BUSTA DI PLASTICA Ciò Ciò the plastic bag , a video-story by Cecilia Coppola for SISA and GIORGIO MONDADORI



FARE DANZA by Alberto Testa photographs by Antonia Pillosio.

MISTERI by Lorenza Foschini interviews by Antonia Pillosio to Nobel Laureates and Mons. Milingo.



CIO' CIO' LA BUSTA DI PLASTICA Ciò Ciò the plastic bag , the video-story by Cecilia Coppola direction by Antonia Pillosio at UMBRIA FINCTION TV at the GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL and at the 21st UNDERWATER IMAGE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL in Antibes, France.

Pope PIUS IX, an historical biography directed by Antonia Pillosio, at the 54th INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in Salerno.